The Editor is a new approach to modeling tools, aiming to make the creation of diagrams an inherently collaborative process.
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Try the Editor now by using the installer in this Wave.
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Real-time collaboration

To make keeping track of changes easy, a changelog lists all actions that were performed on the diagram. Additionally, the changelog doubles as a time machine. With it you can revert the diagram to any previous state it was in at some point of time.

To communicate with other modelers you can annotate the diagram by simply drawing on it. This way you point out modeling errors and suggest improvements. You can also use this feature for real-time communication, e.g. to support a point you make via voice chat.
The Editor is open sourced under the terms of the MIT license. It offers a powerful plugin system which makes it easy to add new features as well as modeling languages. You can check out the code on
Five modeling languages
The Editor is based on the mature web-based diagram editor ORYX. We currently support five modeling languages:
- Unified Modelling Language (UML) class diagrams
- Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN)
- Fundamental Modelling Concepts (FMC) block diagrams
- Petri nets
- Event-driven Process Chains (EPC)

Hi, I tried installing from the link to the Wave installer, but it is just showing, 'You are not a participant in this Wave'.
ReplyDeleteIs it not marked as for public viewing? I'd really like to try this out.
Someone removed the Public status of the Wave. Fixed, we hope you like it!
ReplyDeleteI like this wave editor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!